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Author: admin_resbios

Press release #3: Building a responsible bioscience network 

Although the ResBios project is coming to a close, we hope that we can leave a legacy of promoting responsible bioscience. 

At the ResBios final conference on December 7th, the consortium was very pleased to announce the launch of the International Network for Responsible Biosciences (INRB)

The network aims to build upon the success of the ResBios project and to create a community of researchers, project coordinators, science communicators, etc, interested in promoting responsible practice in the biosciences, through mutual learning and knowledge sharing. 

The ResBios consortium will act as the core team for this network and will provide the framework for many of the earlier training materials, events, and communications. But as the network grows it is the hope of the INRB that other members will start to contribute more, and from this, a community will grow! 

Being part of the members will give you access to our database of members, our messaging board, our bi-annual newsletter, and a collection of useful resources that will help facilitate responsible research and innovation within the biosciences fields. We will also be organising online workshops and training events, which will be available to members and non-members alike. 

If you would like to learn more or to join the International Network for Responsible Biosciences, please click here.

Help us build a responsible research community!

Press release #2: The End of ResBios and Beyond!

Responsibility in Research & Innovation. Challenges for the Biosciences and Future Policies

ResBios Final Conference

Date: December 7, 2022

Location : Rue Montoyer, 24 – 1000 Brussels (hybrid event)

At the inception of ResBios in January 2020, the project coordinators talked about how the fields of biosciences are a major crossroads, where science and society meet. But then who was to know how true this statement would become? 

Over the past three years, the world has had to face a multitude of challenges, and at the centre of many of them were the biosciences, and with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the continued impact of other “wicked problems”, such as climate change, food security and health, the way society interacts with research has been brought front and centre. 

It has therefore become increasingly apparent that we need to rewrite the societal contract, changing how bioscience research is conducted and putting the needs of society at the forefront. During the lifetime of the ResBios project, all of our partners have strived to promote positive changes within our implementing partner research institutes, using the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) framework, focusing on 5 RRI keys (Gender, Open Access, Public Engagement, Education and Ethics), guided by the EU’s Sustainable Development Goals. 

Although it has not been smooth sailing throughout, the ResBios project has reached the end of its journey and would like to share what they have learnt with the wider bioscience community. So on December 7th, ResBios will be hosting its final conference: “Responsibility in research & innovation. Challenges for the biosciences and future policies”, organised in partnership with EURADA (European Association of Development Agencies), and the Horizon 2020 project TetRRIS – Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation and Smart Specialisation.

At this conference, ResBios will share their key outcomes from the project, as well as invite key speakers from related initiatives to share their thoughts on responsible bioscience research and innovation. The ResBios project will also be sharing its recently published manifesto on Responsible Bioscience and the Transformation of Science-Society Relations, as well as announcing the launch of the International Network for Responsible Bioscience.

This will also be an opportunity for the ResBios consortium to share their experience in implementing the RRI framework within their institutes, and to talk about how we hope to sustain these changes beyond the lifetime of the ResBios project, including contributions from the partners from the Institut de Ciències del Mar (Spain), Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), University of Zagreb (Croatia), and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine). 

We would also like to take a moment to thank all our stakeholders and advisors who have assisted in making the ResBios project the success that it has been, and we hope to see you all on the 7th of December, either in person or online. 

Although the ResBios project is soon to come to its conclusion, we hope to see that the impact of this project will have long-term positive change, and moving forward we can help create a more responsible bioscience environment, where the needs of society are always considered as a top priority. 

For more information about the ResBios conference, please click here! 

Photo was taken of the last hybrid ResBios Steering Committee Meeting in Gdansk

The end of the road for ResBios…. But a new journey begins….

These last few years have gone in a flash, and just like that, it is the end of 2022, and the end of the Resbios project. Just like the gifts you may be buying, we are wrapping up Resbios with a nice little bow. 

At the beginning of December, many of the ResBios family were able to get together (either online or in person in the wonderful city of Brussels) for our final mutual learning workshop. 

Although we may have labeled our partners as RRI mentors and beginners at the start of the project. It turns out we all had so much to learn from one another, and although we are now all RRI experts to some degree, the complexities of RRI, bioscience, and societal relationships mean that we will always need to learn and adapt.

However our third and final mutual learning workshop was a great opportunity to see how far we have come in such a short time, and with some unforeseen challenges, of course, covid impacted our efforts…. But we are all well aware of that. But we do have to take this moment to commend the work of our friends from the Ivan Franco University of Lviv. Who have strived to continue their efforts to promote RRI throughout the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. 

The focus of this workshop was the sustainable future of the ResBios project, and ensuring the momentum gained in promoting positive change and the use of the RRI framework is maintained by our partners after the project closes at the end of 2022, as well as creating and maintaining spaces of “responsibility” in research and innovation, which connect science and society, balancing in some way a current trend towards a “hyper-competitive” science.

Taking this into account, the 3rd MLW had the following objectives:

•   Share views on the current relationship between R&I and the rest of the society

•   Briefly summarise the state of the art about activities carried out for the sustainability of ResBios GAs

•   Formalizing the mutual learning tools adopted

To investigate some key issues for the sustainability of ResBios GAs and similar initiatives, starting from what was discussed during the 2nd MLW, from the subsequent mutual learning meetings and other initiatives and activities carried out from November 2021 onwards.

This approach was based on three key elements: self-reflection, awareness building (especially for reflection on the relationship between R&I and society and for the exchange of information on reciprocal activities for the sustainability of GAs), and self-evaluation (especially as regards the mutual learning methods adopted, with particular regard to their relevance, impact, and replicability).

During the workshop, the ResBios team also had the opportunity to hear contributions from speakers who represent the quadruple helix approach to public engagement. 

These included: 

Birgit Schauer– JoinUs4Health project- An initiative that connects people to health and population research, and combines Responsible Research and Innovation, and crowdsourcing to promote inclusive innovation and citizen engagement in health research.

Yevhen Filyak– The founder of the Ukrainian start-up InSpirito, a Software Development company focused on corporate tools and solutions. Yevhen also spoke about how research and development have been impacted and will change due to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Emad Yaghmaei – TetRRIS project – An EU-funded project aiming to bring Responsible Research and Innovation in alignment with the Smart Specialisation paradigm and governance within 4 pilot experiment regions from the European Union.

Elena Plakoti – Director of the Secondary Education Office of Evros Prefecture (Greece) – Sent a written contribution about the successful collaboration with ResBios partners from the Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Working with local school groups to enrich students’ knowledge about scientific research on cutting-edge issues in the research field of Molecular Biology and Genetics and to promote discussion among students on RRI issues.

We also had the opportunity to hear from our ResBios partners from the University of Primorska, the University of Bremen, the Univerisity of Gdansk, the AgroBioInstitute, and the University of Rome Tor Vergata who have acted as mentors to our implementing partners throughout the ResBios project, and shared their experience in a round-table discussion on the Mutal Learning process.

After this period of self-reflection from the ResBios team, and a good catch-up with our friends and colleagues, the next day was the ResBios Final Conference: 

Responsibility in Research & Innovation. Challenges for the Biosciences and Future Policies

We invited the Open Science and RRI community to join us at EURADA in Brussels to share some of the successes and lessons learned by the project, and to discuss the future landscape of responsibility research and how bioscience research will be at the cornerstone of how much of society will interact with research and innovation in the future.

This hybrid event was opened by our very own Carla Montesano, and Daniele Mezzana, project coordinators from the University of Rome- Tor Vergata, followed by a few words from Giacomo Frisanco representing our wonderful hosts from EURADA.

In the first session of the day- the focus was “Challenges in contemporary societies and the roles and responsibility of biosciences”. Chaired by Elena Buzan from the University of Primorska, we heard contributions from: 

 Mónica Bettencourt-Dias, from the EU-LIFE project, is an alliance of leading research centers in life sciences, advocating for excellent research in and for Europe, and how life science research can better align to respond to societal needs.

Vittorio Colizzi, University of Rome – Tor Vergata- spoke about how climate change will impact human health in the future, and how bioscience research will need to adapt to help deal with increasing numbers of zoonotic diseases.

Following this, the focus shifted to a discussion on a new “social contract” between R&I and society. Chaired by Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt, Aarhus University, this session was broken up into two sections, with the first part looking at the overview of the new climate bioscience research finds itself, and the need for more responsible practices.

First, we heard from Wiebe Bijker, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, and an advisor for the ResBios project. Wiebe Bijker spoke on how research needs to embrace a more responsible outlook, as well as introduced the new ResBios Manifesto for the Transformation of Science-Society Relations. Click here to read the full Manifesto.

The first part of this session also featured contributions from Luciano d’Andrea, Knowledge & Innovation Srls, Rome, on how research and innovation need to adapt and be flexible to meet the needs of society and the RRI framework. After a quick break, in the second portion of this section, the real-life experience of implementing RRI was shared. Featuring representatives from the ResBios implementing partners from the Institut de Ciències del Mar (Janire Salazar), Democritus University of Thrace (Aglaia Pappa), University of Zagreb (Toni Safner), Ivan Franko University of Lviv (Olena Stasyk).

Each of these ResBios partners shared some of their experiences of implementing RRI practices within each of their institutions, in accordance with the project’s key grounding actions on; gender, open access, ethics, education, and public engagement. 

Within this session, project coordinators from related EU projects were invited to share their approaches to instilling responsible practices in bioscience research.  Featuring presentations from;

Roxane Bibard, SoScience- spoke about how to translate responsible science principles into action, with guidance for industries, research institutes, and policymakers.

Luka Duniš, The StepChange project – A project that uses citizen science approaches to engage communities about research that affects them, with initiatives that focus on Energy, Health, and the Environment.

Eleni Spyrakou, HYBRIDA – An initiative that focuses on new ethical implications in bioscience research and innovations, primarily in the use of organoid-based research and related technologies.

After a wonderful lunch, the conference participants were broken up into groups to discuss “Changing the course of science towards a more balanced and responsible relationship to society”, with each group focusing on a particular sector, which included: 

– local-organizational contexts and their social/cultural environment, moderated by ResBios members: Doris Elster, University of Bremen, and Dimitar Djilianov, AgroBioInstitute;

– disciplinary-professional contexts, moderated by ResBios member: Elena Buzan, University of Primorska;

– global contexts, moderated by ResBios member, Krzysztof Bielawski, University of Gdansk.

In addition to these 3 in-person groups, online participants were asked to share their thoughts on these areas with ResBios members: Andrea Declich, K&I, and Laura Iacolina, University of Primorska.

This resulted in some very fruitful discussions and contributions on how these sectors can approach a more transparent and open relationship with society as a whole. 

The last session of the day was a round table discussion on Policies: Support and Mainstreaming of “responsibility” in research & innovation.

Chaired by Fabio Feudo, Knowledge & Innovation Srls we were delighted to be joined by Georgios Papanagnou, European Commission, DG RTD, Ingeborg Meijer, Leiden University, and Stefan Philipp, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Vienna, for a very fruitful discussion on the need to mainstream “responsibility” in Research and Innovation through policy, and what the future of science policy may look like.

The conference concluded with our project coordinator Daniele Mezzana, who spoke about the launch of the new International Network for Responsible Biosciences. An online network that aims to build upon the success of the ResBios project and to create a community of researchers, project coordinators, science communicators, etc, interested in promoting responsible practice in biosciences, through mutual learning and knowledge sharing. 

More information on the network can be found here:

Although the ResBios project is coming to an end, it is our hope that messages and the key outcomes achieved over these past few years will provide the scaffolding for continuous positive change and produce a more responsible mindset across research and innovation across the bioscience fields, and through the connection, we have made we can help ensure that RRI is at the forefront of bioscience research and not an afterthought. We hope to keep up this positive momentum and stay in contact with all the open science and bioscience communities. 

Thank you all for your continued support. 

Photo Credit to Reimar Ott

Participation of the MBG-DUTH RESBIOS Team in the 13th Panhellenic Conference of the Panhellenic Association of Bioscientists

The MBG-DUTH ResBios Team participated in the 13th Panhellenic Conference of the Panhellenic Association of Bioscientists, which took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 9 to 11 of December 2022. Assoc. Prof. A. Pappa, PI of the MBG-DUTH RESBIOS Team and Assoc. Prof. A. Galanis, a member of the ResBios core team, as well as Prof. A. Papageorgiou, a member of the ResBios extended team, participated in the organization and implementation of a round table entitled: ‘’Responsible Research and Innovation in Biosciences’’.                                                 

  • Aglaia Pappa, Associate Professor, Dep of Molecular Biology & Genetics, DUTH, ”Basic Principles of Responsible Research and Innovation in Biosciences”.
  • Alex Galanis, Associate Professor, Dep of Molecular Biology & Genetics, DUTH, ”Cooperation of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics of DUTH with the Office of Secondary Education of the Prefecture of Evros and the schools (high schools and secondary schools) of the district of Evros”.
  • Aristotelis Papageorgiou, Professor, Dep of Molecular Biology & Genetics, DUTH, Greece ”The contribution of civil society to biological research for the environment and biodiversity”.

Moderator: Alex Galanis, Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace.

In addition, the MBG-DUTH ResBios Team had a short oral talk and a poster presentation on activities developed under the ResBios project. 

Ermogenous A., Kyriakou S., Spyridopoulou K., Nomikou A., Roupas A., Voulgaridou G-P., A., Moyankova D., Djilianov D., Panayiotidis M., Pappa A. Chemical and Biological characterization of Haberlea rhodopensis ethanolic extract.

Kiousi D.E., Tsochantaridis, I., Tsakonas I., Galanis A., and Pappa A. DUTH bioscientists’s opinions and attitudes towards understanding the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation.

ResBios Conference – Full Programme

Responsible research. Challenges for the biosciences and the policies – ResBios Final Conference

Programme – 7th Decemeber

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Morning (9.00 – 12.30)

Opening session

The Opening session is focused on the welcome addresses and on a general presentation of the ResBios project and the path that led to the final conference.

Session 1 – Challenges in contemporary societies and the role / responsibility of biosciences

This session is focused on the role and responsibility of biosciences in contemporary societies. Among the issues to discuss are: what are the contexts and contemporary phenomena on which biosciences have a growing influence (health, climate change, food, bio-economy, etc.); what political and social pressures are bioscience receiving; how the biosciences are dealing with these issues.

Featuring contributions from:

  • Mónica Bettencourt-Dias, Director of the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras
  • Vittorio Colizzi, University of Rome – Tor Vergata
  • Session 2 – Towards a new “social contract” between R&I and society

    This session is focused on how to create a social space to put or foster the “responsibility” within the current trends in science and innovation, taking also into account the proposals of the ResBios Manifesto. Among the issues to discuss are: the transition to a different way of producing science and innovation; the transition to a new social contract between R&I and society (methods and anticipatory experiences); the tensions and contradictions of the changes taking place in the relationship between R&I and society; the issue of responsibility in R&I; the rules and adjustments necessary to promote responsibility in R&I; the concrete application of responsibility in R&I (projects and experiences in Europe and the world in this field); the role of the various stakeholders for responsible research and innovation.

    Featuring contribution from:

  • Wiebe Bijker, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
  • Luciano d’Andrea, Knowledge & Innovation Srls, Rome
  • ResBios representatives from Institut de Ciències del Mar (Spanish National research Council), Democritus University of Thrace, University of Zagreb, Ivan Franko University of Lviv
  • Roxane Bibard, SoScience
    , Paris
  • Luka Duniš, The StepChange project
  • Eleni Spyrakou,HYBRIDA

Afternoon (13.30-16.00)

Session 3 – Groupwork: “Changing the course of science towards a more balanced and responsible relationship to society”

Three working groups will be held on the different contexts in which a responsible approach in R&I can be implemented:

  • local-organizational contexts and their social / cultural environment (how to promote responsible R&I institutional changes in research organizations: approaches, methods, actors, obstacles and opportunities, stakeholders involvement, etc.);
  • disciplinary-professional contexts (disciplinary, multi-inter- and trans-disciplinary aspects of responsibility in R&I; the role of professional associations; disciplinary values ​​and professional norms and codes, etc.);
  • global contexts (how to promote responsible research and innovation at a global level, taking into account aspects of the scientific practice such as publishing, research collaboration, resource availability, training capacities, scientific networking, etc.).

Session 4 – Policies: Support and Mainstreaming of “responsibility” in research & innovation

This session is focused on how to support, in the European context, a mainstreaming of the theme of responsibility in R&I. Among the issues to discuss are: how to enhance the issue of responsibility within the Horizon Europe Program; the concrete areas of intervention to support responsibility in R&I; the role of the Quadruple Helix actors in possible future policies in support of responsibility in R&I.

Featuring contribution from:

  • Georgios Papanagnou, European Commission, DG RTD
  • Additional speakers to be announced soon.

    We will also hear contributions from the ResBios coordination team Carla Montesano and Daniele Mezzana (University of Rome – Tor vergata) and representives from EURADA

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“Responsibility in research & innovation. Challenges
for the biosciences and future policies”

Presentation Note

Click here to download presentation note

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Ivan Franko National University of Lviv- Final Assembly

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv- Final Assembly

On November 8, 2022, our partners from Ivan National University of Lviv hosted their final assembly was held based on the results of the project “Responsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciences (ResBios)” of the Horizon 2020 program.

The head of the Department of Biochemistry, professor Nataliia Sybirna, assistant professors of the Department of Biochemistry Olena Stasyk, Mariia Nagalievska, and Mariya Sabadashka were involved in the implementation of the project. They made reports at the final assembly on the main achievements and prospects for further institutional changes, which are based on the introduction of responsible research and innovation practices into the educational process. In particular, the speakers talked about seminars, round tables, two summer schools and the launched video blog, which will enable students of higher education institutions, high school students and teachers to get open access to scientific information and methods used in experimental research at the Department of Biochemistry.

The results obtained during the implementation of the project are the basis for long-term changes in three key directions: the introduction of informal education at the Department of Biochemistry, popularization of biological science among the public, deepening of the principles of academic integrity among participants of the educational process at the Faculty of Biology.

In the discussion of the achievements of the Core team of the Department of Biochemistry, which carried out the ResBios project and presented the Ivan Franko Lviv National University to the international scientific community, representatives of the top management of the University and the Faculty of Biology spoke, namely the Vice-Rector of Research Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Roman Gladyshevskii, the Vice-Rector for Research, Teaching and IT-Development Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow Vitaliy Kukharskyy, Dean of the Faculty of Biology Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Ihor Khamar and Dean’s deputy of educational and methodical work Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Vitalii Honcharenko. Students and graduate students of the Faculty of Biology also took part in the discussion. The meeting was attended by external stakeholders – the biology teacher of the Lviv Secondary School of Eastern Languages and Oriental Martial Arts “Budokan” Maryana Lyuta and cosmetologist, teacher of the School of Aesthetics and Health “Nova Ty” Sofia Chaika .

The speakers emphasized the importance of the implementation of such projects and their positive impact on the educational and scientific potential of Ukrainian universities, the popularization of science in society, the introduction of informal and informal education practices not only in secondary schools, but also in higher education institutions. A rational balance between formal and informal education will ultimately have a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the country and the democratization of society, and will expand the availability of education for all citizens who wish to study. One more final product of the project’s executors deserves special attention – “Ethical Code of Higher Education Graduates of the Faculty of Biology of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv“. This code contains normative documents regarding the rules of academic integrity, norms of behavior when working with biological objects, requirements for the preparation of scientific works of participants in the educational process and researchers of biological research laboratories.

The tools of informal and non-formal education created within the framework of ResBios, the means of popularizing biological science, the network of contacts of external and internal stakeholders are extremely relevant today in the conditions of challenges and uncertainty provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic and the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine.

The staff of the Department of Biochemistry and all participants of the assembly expressed their sincere thanks and respect to our defenders for the opportunity to study, work, develop and create for the benefit of Ukraine!

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Functional Foods – New Challenges For Balanced Nutrition And The Treatment Of Metabolic Disorders

Functional Foods – New Challenges For Balanced Nutrition And The Treatment Of Metabolic Disorders

An event for undergraduate and pHd students at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (INFUL)

From the 26-28th of October 2022, our partners from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv organised a special event for undergraduate and PhD students within the Department of Biochemistry at IFNUL.

The “Functional Foods – New Challenges For Balanced Nutrition And The Treatment Of Metabolic Disorders” summer school was hosted as a hybrid event, using the ResBios framework.

The aim of this Summer school was to provide participants an introduction to the concept of healthy foods, an emerging field which connects food sciences to the pharmaceutical sciences. Students were invited to take part in didactic lectures, interactive discussion sessions, and group workshops, linking pharmaceutical sciences to nutraceuticals and functional foods concepts.

The school was specifically designed to attract young researchers, and give them the opportunity to learn how to evaluate experimental data obtained from the scientific literature and epidemiological sources, and how this data can be used as a basis to generate ideas for further research and investigation. Participants also critically evaluated the current literature relating to innovation and development, as well as how novel functional foods are marketed.

Over these three days, students heard contributions from two associate lecturers from the Department of Biochemistry of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Dr. Halyna Hachkova and Dr. Mariia Nagalievska), discussing “Biologically active carbohydrates, lipids and peptides as representatives of functional food products” and “Analysis of the daily diet of each participant. Detection of functional food products in the diet. Calculation of the glycemic index of consumed food”.

In addition to this, external speakers were also invited to contribute, including Prof. Dr. Sc., Ass. Prof. Justyna Ruchała, from University of Rzeszow (Poland)- “Fantastic Microorganisms and How to Study Them”, ‪Dr. Petro Starokadomskyy‬, University of Texas (USA)- “Discovery immunology – how to find new molecule in cell”, Dr Dmitry Samarsky, Sirnaomics Inc. (USA)- “Development of the new drugs based on RNA interferenve (RNAi)”, and Dr. Sc., PhD Nicolai M Doliba, University of Pennsylvania (USA)- “Glucose sensing, bioenergetics and hormone secretion in diabetic human pancreatic islets”.

Following these sessions, participants were also given the opportunity to practically use some of the concepts discussed, with practical training using various software products for calculating glycemic index and food analysis for health benefits, and practical training in the laboratory (determining blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin in rats with diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome).

This event was a fantastic opportunity for the 45 participants (6 lecturers, 6 PhD students, and 33 students of university) who attended to learn more about the practical application of the subject, and to hear from a variety of experts in the this field.

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Mentoring session on gender – 6-7 October 2022

Mentoring session on Gender- 6th and 7th October

ResBios Partners meet in person and online to discuss implementing Gender Equality Plans (GEPs)

On the 6th and 7th of October, a mentoring session on gender took place at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH). The session was conducted in person by our gender experts from University of Gdańsk (UG) Dr Magdalena Żadkowska and Dr hab. Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka prof.UG.

The 2-day meeting was dedicated to the issue of cross-cultural sensitivity on implementing Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in various academic institutions.

During the first part of the workshop partners from DUTH in Greece, UG in Poland and Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM) in Spain shared their experience and best practices on implementing GEPs in their institutions as well as discussed cultural challenges and cross-culture communication based on the Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory.

On the second day of the workshop all participants were supported by our evaluating partner from Aarhus University, Dr. Professor Evanthia K. Schmidt, who discussed several ideas and concepts of preparing mutual theoretical paper based on RESBIOS actions such as cultural influence on implementing GEPs, or gender dimension in scientific education.

The experience of exchanging ideas and creative work together and in-person was an enthusiastic and positive moment for all participants and brought a boost of energy to the further steps of the RESBIOS project.


  • Alex Galanis (DUTH)
  • Aggi Pappa (DUTH)
  • Ilias Tsochantaridis (DUTH)
  • Despoina Kiousi (DUTH)
  • Ekaterini Chlichlia (DUTH)
  • Janire Salazar (ICM)
  • Maria Gracia Puga (ICM)
  • Silvia Donoso Lopez (ICM)
  • Natasza Kosakowska – Berezecka (UG)
  • Magdalena Żadkowska (UG)
  • Marta Dziedzic (UG)
  • Evanthia K. Schmidt (AU) – online
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Part of the Solution – ResBios is proud to be part of the 6th Cross – SwafS Stakeholder Forum for Responsible OS

Part of the Solution – ResBios is proud to be part of the 6th Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum for Responsible OS

On the 13th of October, we are very proud that ResBios project coordinator were amongst the members invited to contribute at the 6th Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum, a collective of experts and project coordinators who focus on responsible open science.

These forums are a fantastic opportunity for SwafS members to share updates on their projects and discuss best practices for promoting Open Science approaches in research. At this sixth meeting, key forum organisers from the ROSiE project used this opportunity to share their newly published training materials for Responsible Open Science.

These include tools for researchers and citizen scientists, and provide practical advice and case studies to help demonstrate these best practices.

New from other members:

COESO will soon be launching the beta version of their VERA platform in December 2022 and are looking for online testers, in June they also released their latest brief publication

GRRIP will soon be hosting their closing meeting (presented as a hybrid format) on 1-2 December in Gran Canaria, and will feature speakers from NewHoRRIZON, GRACE, SuperMORRI, Co-Change in various sessions.

JoinUs4Health have launched their new Erasmus Medical University 10-week minor programme “From Science to Society”. The programme teaches principles of open science, science communication and public engagement to help boost societal impact of scientific findings (see

TIME4CS will be hosting a series of webinars on institutional changes to promote Citizen Science. These webinars are open to everyone, and they will target researchers, support staff and communication officers. Information about TIME4CS training programme available here:

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