Submission Date: November 4, 2021
Nataliia Sybirna, IFNUL
Olena Stasyk, IFNUL
Mariya Sabadashka, IFNUL
Mariia Nagalievska, IFNUL
This document contains Summary Reports that collect the reports related to the implementation of GAs on Education performed by IFNUL, UNIZG–FAZ, DUTH, and ICM–CSIC. It is the result of the activities carried out in the framework of WP3 during the period of M16–M22.
Submission Date: 28 October 2021
Prof. Elena Bužan(UP)
Assist. Prof.Laura Iacolina(UP)
dr. Felicita Urzi(UP)
Aja Bončina (UP)
Sandra Potušek(UP)
The Deliverable includes the proceedings and results of the activities carried out under Work Package 4 “GAs on Open access/ethics” during months 16–22. It includes the collection of reports on the implementation of the different GAs on ethics and open access carried out by IFNUL (GA n. 7), UNIZG–FAZ (GAs n. 8 and 9), and DUTH (GAs n. 10 and 11). It describes how WP4 Leading Partner involved the so–called beginners and experienced partners in various tasks and activities aimed to support the GA implementation, monitoring, and mutual learning of all participants.
Submission Date: November 16, 2021
Janire Salazar, CSIC
Josep–Maria Gili, CSIC
Deliverable 5.2 contains an update of the Summary Report of the Grounding Actions related to Citizens Engagement and Gender Equality.
Submission Date: November 18, 2022
Daniele Mezzana, UNITOV
In collaboration with:
Andrea Declich, Luciano d’Andrea and Maresa Berliri (K&I), Aglaia Pappa and Alex Galanis (DUTH), Toni Safner, Andrea Rezic and Nikica Sprem (UNIZG–FAZ), Janire Salazar and Josep–Maria Gili (ICM–CSIC), Natalia Sybirna, Olena Stasic, Marija Nagalievska and Mariya Sabadashka (IFNUL)
This deliverable has two main focuses: it describes through 23 Success Stories (SSs) some of the main institutional changes produced by the implementation of Grounding Actions (Gas) within the framework of ResBios, in four research organisations in the field of biosciences; it presents the Support and Sustainability Plans (SSPs) defined by the four research organisations aimed at ensuring that the changes promoted through the GAs are maintained over the future and further changes are also promoted. The deliverable also contains a description of the activities carried out to define the SSPs as well as the approach followed during ResBios to promote institutional change.
Submission Date: January 05, 2023
Daniele Mezzana, UNITOV
In collaboration with: Andrea Declich, Luciano d’Andrea and Maresa Berliri (K&I), Aglaia Pappa and Alex Galanis (DUTH), Toni Safner, Andrea Rezic and Nikica Sprem (UNIZG-FAZ), Janire Salazar and Josep-Maria Gili (ICM-CSIC), Natalia Sybirna, Olena Stasyk, Marija Nagalievska and Mariya Sabadashka (IFNUL), Doris Elster (Ubremen), Elena Buzan (UP), Marta Dziedzic, Izabela Raszczyk, Magdalena Żadkowska, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka (UG), Chris Styles (EUSEA)
The purpose of Deliverable 7.1, “Collection of the tools for dialogue with society”, is to present concrete and exportable tools for dialogue with society produced during the ResBios project and developed in mutual learning and other project activities.
Submission Date: April 27 2021
Author- Daniele Mezzana, UNITOV
This document contains the ResBios Policy Brief No1 “Biosciences in changing societies. Moving towards a mutual learning approach” (original name in DoA: “Biosciences in changing society”). It is a communication product about some mutual learning activities carried out in the framework of WP7 in the first phase of the project.
Submission Date: December 27th, 2022
Author- Daniele Mezzana, UNITOV
This document contains the ResBios Policy Brief No 2 (“RRI institutional change in biosciences organisations”). It is a communication product about the approach and practice of RRI institutional change in ResBios, containing some recommendations.