This Manifesto is rooted in the work that, for several years now, some research organizations in the field of biosciences in Europe, Africa, and North and South America have been carrying out on issues concerning the relationship between scientific research and society by using the Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) approach, initially through the STARBIOS2 project and, most recently, in the context of the ResBios project.
This Manifesto was drafted by Wiebe Bijker (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and ResBios advisor), Luciano d’Andrea (Knowledge & Innovation Srls) and Daniele Mezzana (University of Rome – Tor Vergata), with the collaboration of the members of ResBios Consortium and the ResBios advisors.
Biosciences in changing societies. Moving towards a mutual learning approach.
ResBios Policy Brief No.1
April 27 2021
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This document contains the ResBios Policy Brief No 2 (“RRI institutional change in biosciences organisations”). It is a communication product about the approach and practice of RRI institutional change in ResBios, containing some recommendations.
Submission Date: December 27th, 2022
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Author- Daniele Mezzana, UNITOV
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