ResBios will embed Responsible Research and Innovation practice within four universities in the field of Biosciences

Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI, is an overarching policy strategy which aims to increase the intensity and the quality of the interactions between scientific research and society

Open Science fosters sharing and collaboration, bringing a systemic change to the way scientific research is done

ResBios will draw on the expertise of 12 partners from 11 countries to bring sustainable institutional changes into biosciences research.
ResBios is coordinated by the University of Tor Vergata, in Rome, Italy.
The project involves 12 partners from 11 European countries:
until December 2022.
Commission with 1,5 MM€
Responsible Biosciences
A Manifesto for the Transformation of Science-Society Relations
This Manifesto is rooted in the work that, for several years now, some research organizations in the field of biosciences in Europe, Africa, and North and South America have been carrying out on issues concerning the relationship between scientific research and society by using the Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) approach, initially through the STARBIOS2 project and, most recently, in the context of the ResBios project.
This Manifesto was drafted by Wiebe Bijker (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and ResBios advisor), Luciano d’Andrea (Knowledge & Innovation Srls) and Daniele Mezzana (University of Rome – Tor Vergata), with the collaboration of the members of ResBios Consortium and the ResBios advisors.
ResBios will draw on the expertise of 12 partners from 11 countries to bring sustainable institutional changes into biosciences research.
ResBios is coordinated by the University of Tor Vergata, in Rome, Italy.
until December 2022.
Commission with 1,5 MM€
- University of Rome Tor Vergata (IT)
- AgrobioInstitute (BG)
- Knowledge & Innovation Srls (IT)
- Institut de Ciències del Mar, Spanish National Research Council (ES)
- Democritus University of Thrace (GR)
- Faculty of Agriculture Zagreb University (HR)
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (UA)
- University of Aarhus (DK)
- University of Bremen (DE)
- University of Gdansk (PL)
- University of Primorska (SI)
The end of the road for ResBios…. But a new journey begins….

Participation of the MBG-DUTH RESBIOS Team in the 13th Panhellenic Conference of the Panhellenic Association of Bioscientists

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv- Final Assembly

Open Science fosters sharing and collaboration, bringing a systemic change to the way scientific research is done

Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI, is an overarching policy strategy which aims to increase the intensity and the quality of the interactions between scientific research and society
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Evaluation and Program Planning
Evaluation and Program Planning
RRI Explained Podcast
ResBios Policy Brief
Biosciences in changing societies. Moving towards a mutual learning approach.
ResBios Policy Brief No.1
April 27 2021
Read below or download the PDF
RRI institutional change in biosciences organisations- Policy Brief 2
This document contains the ResBios Policy Brief No 2 (“RRI institutional change in biosciences organisations”). It is a communication product about the approach and practice of RRI institutional change in ResBios, containing some recommendations.
Submission Date: December 27th, 2022
Read below or download the PDF
Author- Daniele Mezzana, UNITOV