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Responsible research. Challenges for the biosciences and the policies – ResBios Final Conference

Programme – 7th Decemeber

Morning (9.00 – 12.30)

Opening session

The Opening session is focused on the welcome addresses and on a general presentation of the ResBios project and the path that led to the final conference.

Session 1 – Challenges in contemporary societies and the role / responsibility of biosciences

This session is focused on the role and responsibility of biosciences in contemporary societies. Among the issues to discuss are: what are the contexts and contemporary phenomena on which biosciences have a growing influence (health, climate change, food, bio-economy, etc.); what political and social pressures are bioscience receiving; how the biosciences are dealing with these issues.

Featuring contributions from:

  • Mónica Bettencourt-Dias, Director of the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras
  • Vittorio Colizzi, University of Rome – Tor Vergata
  • Session 2 – Towards a new “social contract” between R&I and society

    This session is focused on how to create a social space to put or foster the “responsibility” within the current trends in science and innovation, taking also into account the proposals of the ResBios Manifesto. Among the issues to discuss are: the transition to a different way of producing science and innovation; the transition to a new social contract between R&I and society (methods and anticipatory experiences); the tensions and contradictions of the changes taking place in the relationship between R&I and society; the issue of responsibility in R&I; the rules and adjustments necessary to promote responsibility in R&I; the concrete application of responsibility in R&I (projects and experiences in Europe and the world in this field); the role of the various stakeholders for responsible research and innovation.

    Featuring contribution from:

    • Wiebe Bijker, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
    • Luciano d’Andrea, Knowledge & Innovation Srls, Rome
    • ResBios representatives from Institut de Ciències del Mar (Spanish National research Council), Democritus University of Thrace, University of Zagreb, Ivan Franko University of Lviv
    • Roxane Bibard, SoScience , Paris
    • Luka Duniš, The StepChange project
    • Eleni Spyrakou,HYBRIDA

    Afternoon (13.30-16.00)

    Session 3 – Groupwork: “Changing the course of science towards a more balanced and responsible relationship to society”

    Three working groups will be held on the different contexts in which a responsible approach in R&I can be implemented:

    • local-organizational contexts and their social / cultural environment (how to promote responsible R&I institutional changes in research organizations: approaches, methods, actors, obstacles and opportunities, stakeholders involvement, etc.);
    • disciplinary-professional contexts (disciplinary, multi-inter- and trans-disciplinary aspects of responsibility in R&I; the role of professional associations; disciplinary values ​​and professional norms and codes, etc.);
    • global contexts (how to promote responsible research and innovation at a global level, taking into account aspects of the scientific practice such as publishing, research collaboration, resource availability, training capacities, scientific networking, etc.).

    Session 4 – Policies: Support and Mainstreaming of “responsibility” in research & innovation

    This session is focused on how to support, in the European context, a mainstreaming of the theme of responsibility in R&I. Among the issues to discuss are: how to enhance the issue of responsibility within the Horizon Europe Program; the concrete areas of intervention to support responsibility in R&I; the role of the Quadruple Helix actors in possible future policies in support of responsibility in R&I.

    Featuring contribution from:

    • Georgios Papanagnou, European Commission, DG RTD
    • Additional speakers to be announced soon.

      We will also hear contributions from the ResBios coordination team Carla Montesano and Daniele Mezzana (University of Rome – Tor vergata) and representives from EURADA

“Responsibility in research & innovation. Challenges for the biosciences and future policies”

Presentation Note