“Traveling in the magical world of Biology” with the ResBios Team
The ResBios team was very proud to be a part of the Bioscience Fair Day on “Traveling in the magical world of Biology” that was held on Wednesday 18 May 2022, in the County Hall of Alexandroupolis, under the auspices of the Prefecture of East Macedonia and Thrace, Chamber of Evros Prefecture.
The event was co-organized by the Directorate of Secondary Education of Evros (DSEE) and the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (DMBG) of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), in the context of the cooperation between the two institutions on the occasion of the RESBIOS project, the event was attended by school directors, teachers, family members, students and other guests.

More than 200 students from 9 middle schools of Evros (3 schools from the city region of Alexandroupolis and 6 schools form the broader region of Evros) participated in the event. The students presented works of painting, collages, board games, and many other wonderful ideas, inspired by the curriculum of the Biology syllabus and received congratulations, warm applause and positive reviews from the attendants. The students were very enthusiastic for the unique opportunity to engage with biology in creative ways, fostering a greater understanding and love for this scientific field. Each school received the book “The stuff of life: a graphical guide to genetics and DNA” as a thank you for their participation.

The event was opened by Prof. R. Sandaltzopoulos, Vice-Rector of DUTH, Prof. A. Chlichlia, Chair of the DMBG and Dr. E. Plakoti, Director of DSEE.
This event was organised by; the biology educators from the participating schools, Mr. E. Moutoussidis (Gymnasium of N. Vyssa), Mrs. M. Georgousidou (2nd Gymnasium of Orestiada), Dr. I. Grammatikopoulou (Gymnasium of Lavara), Dr. P. Boudoukas (Gymnasium of Soufli), Dr. P. Miltiadis (Gymnasium of Tychero), Dr. M. Panagopoulou Pantazi (Gymnasium of Feron), Dr. P. Mandalos (Experimental Gymnasium of Alexandroupolis), Dr. I. Bouchliou (3rd Gymnasium of Alexandroupolis) and Dr. A. Tsolou (2nd Gymnasium of Alexandroupolis). collaborated with Mrs. S. Tsiropoulou, Head of School Activities of the DSEE in co-ordination with Profs A. Galanis and A. Pappa, faculty members of the DMBG and members of the RESBIOS-DUTH team, promoting the principles of RRI and the importance of education.
We would also like to thank local news outlets for sharing this event on their networks!
Well done to everyone involved in this fantastic event!