ResBios Open Dialogue: Gender & Career development versus COVID 19

Over the past year and a half, the way we have all lived and worked has changed drastically. For many of us, we have been lucky enough to keep working throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, although most of this work has moved to an online platform. Some of us might have struggled to adapt to begin with, but most of us have been able to transition to this new way of working, and as we start to lift covid-restrictions, it is becoming increasingly apparent that some form of home-working will persist beyond the pandemic.

However, what has been the impact of this move out of the office for long term career development? And has this had an effect on gender equality in the workplace? Have old fashioned gender stereotypes and perceived roles of women in the household held women back while working at home? And how might this impact the field of bioscience?

These are some of the questions we hope to address at our next ResBios Open Dialogue Webinar: “Gender & Career development versus COVID 19”

Save the date: May 28,2021- 15:00-16:30 CEST

Register here!: Fill in the form

ResBios is an EU-funded project which strives to implement innovative strategies based on the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) framework in the field of Bioscience. One of the major pillars of RRI is addressing gender inequality, and through these Open Dialogue events ResBios will discuss these issues and encourage change in research institutes across Europe and beyond.

This webinar will be presented by Resbios partners; the University of Gdansk and EUSEA,


Prof. Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka– Associate Professor in the Division of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Gender at the University of Gdańsk


Dr Magdalena Żadkowska – PhD, assistant professor in Institute of Sociology at the University of Gdańsk

Moderated by Chris Styles – Project Officer for ResBios and EUSEA

If you are interested in attending the webinar on May 28, at 15:00-16:30 (CEST) please click here to register.

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