Big News from the University of Gdasnk
All of us at ResBios are so pleased to hear about the fantastic work that is being done by our partners at the University of Gdansk (UG) in addressing gender equality issues! After months of hard work, the University of Gdańsk’s Social Responsibility Committee has outlined key objectives and areas of action to ensure effective diversity management at the institution, within their Gender Equality Plan (GEP), “for the implementation of gender equality policy at the University of Gdańsk.”

‘We aim to strengthen the position of the University of Gdańsk as a safe place to work, always respecting equality and diversity. We want to use tools that support building such a work environment, where people with different backgrounds work together in the same team, have space and freedom to demonstrate and develop their talents,’
The development of this document was a result of previous collaborations between the UG and the EU HORIZON 2020 project Modifying Institution by Developing Gender Equality Plans (MINDtheGEPs), which detailed the effective actions to realise effective diversity management at the institution. Which includes specific mention of how data collection and monitoring is conducted, the promotion of good practices that address gender equlity issues, and the organisation of training and capacity building at UG for effective diversity management, and implementing long lasting implementation of gender equality policy at the UG.
For more information about the work being done by the University of Gdansk in addressing gender equaliy, please Click here.
‘Gender equality plans are activities aimed at removing structural and cultural barriers to employment and career development in science and achieving a work-life balance among women and men, counteracting gender disproportionality in university decision-making bodies, and taking fuller account of gender issues in scientific research and educational programmes.’
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the three female bioscience researchers from the University of Gdansk, whose fantastic work was recognised last week by the ‘Pomeranian of the Year’ competition.
The committee awarded first place to prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk, Head of the Department of Virus Molecular Biology, for their work promoting COVID research awareness throughout the global pandemic.
Alongside prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bieńkowska-Szewczyk, the work of our very own dr hab. Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, was recognised and was awarded third place, for her continuous research that challenges gender stereotypes and beliefs, and who is responsible for the implementation of the Universitiy’s Gender Equality Plan. As well this, dr Karolina Pierzynowska from UG Biology Department, achieved tenth place for their research efforts into the possibilities of using genistein as a potential treatment in the fight against Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
A huge congratualtion to all three! We are proud to be partnered with an institute whose work has been so influential in the fields of bioscience.