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First ResBios meeting in Lviv, Ucraine

First ResBios meeting
in Lviv, Ucraine

Though, a loose connection between research and society may have a wide range of consequences:

The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv team held their first meeting as part of their action plan, leading the Grounding Actions in Education, which are focused in bringing new and innovative practices into Higher Education.

The team led by Olena Stasyk, gathered colleagues Natallia Sybirna , Mariia Nagalievska and Mariya Sabadashka and a representative of a local company, which is interested in taking part of the project, bringing their expertise as a company, and therefore representing the Industry and Economy stakeholder.

The meeting took place at the Ivan Franko University last March 10th and intended to share information and clarifying goals for mutual collaboration. Having one company representative withing the Ucranian ResBios hub will enable to widespread the aims and actions among local potential partners. These actions enable networking, which has a relevant role in the early stages of the project.

Picture: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv team with the delegate representing a key local company.

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12 EU-Countries working together

12 EU-Countries working together for open and engaged research in Biosciences

Research organisations from across Europe kick-off EU-funded project ResBios, that will bring together Responsible Research and Innovation, Sustainable Development Goals and Open Science together in the field of Biosciences.

“We want to turn science affairs into social affairs” Professor Vittorio Colizzi.

With more than 25 representatives from the 12 EU-partners, the ResBios EU-funded project launched its activities in Villa Mondragone, Frascati, Italy, on the 23-24 January.

The EU-funded project is coordinated by the University of Rome Tor Vergata, and four European institutions have been selected for putting RRI into practice between January 2020 until December 2022: Ivan Franko University of Lviv, in Ukraine; Democritus University of Thrace in Greece, Marine Sciences Institute of the National Council of Scientific Research in Spain and the University of Zagreb in Croatia.

These four organizations, supported by other partners having already participated in STARBIOS2 (an EU project about RRI in biosciences), will implement a series of “Grounding Actions” based on key elements of RRI (gender, open access, science education, ethics and governance), the 4 dimensions of RRI (anticipation, reflexivity, inclusiveness, responsiveness), and guided by Sustainable Development Goals.

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Press release #1: Research organisations from across Europe have launched a major new project

ResBios Eu Project
February 4, 2020

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Research organisations from across Europe have launched a major new project which aims to embed Responsible Research and Innovation into the biosciences.

Over the next three years ResBios will draw on the expertise of 12 partners from 11 countries to bring sustainable institutional changes into biosciences research.

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) provides a framework for bringing research closer to the needs and values of society, within a changing context. The biosciences sector is seen as a crossroads in the relations between science and society.

The EU-funded project is coordinated by the University of Rome Tor Vergata, and four European institutions have been selected for putting RRI into practice: Ivan Franko University of Lviv, in Ukraine; Democritus University of Thrace in Greece, Marine Sciences Institute of the National Council of Scientific Research in Spain and the University of Zagreb in Croatia. These four organizations, supported by other partners having already participated in STARBIOS2 (an EU project about RRI in biosciences), will implement a series of “Grounding Actions” based on key elements of RRI (gender, open access, science education, ethics and governance), the 4 dimensions of RRI (anticipation, reflexivity, inclusiveness, responsiveness), and guided by Sustainable Development Goals.

These Grounding Actions work with a self-reflective process that each institution will develop, to reveal the areas where science can perform in a more open and inclusive way, and bonded with current societal needs. They are structured into three strands. A “co-reflexive” strand will develop dialogues with potential stakeholders in the co-design of research. A “pro-active” strand will implement the Grounding Actions within the research organizations, in connection with local and regional stakeholders. An “institutional strand” will implement changes within an organisation and develop permanent spaces for closer integration with society, taking into account the idea of the Quadruple Helix, which represents the relations that occur in society among Academia, Industry, Government and Civil Society. “We want to turn science affairs into social affairs” as Professor Vittorio Colizzi wisely stated.

ResBios will launch its website in March 2020. Meanwhile, you can follow its work on Twitter (@resbios) and Facebook (@resbioproject).

The Facts

  • ResBios is coordinated by the University of Tor Vergata, in Rome, Italy.
  • The project involves 12 partners from 11 European countries: Ivan Franko University of Lviv (UA), Faculty of Agriculture Zagreb University (HN), Democritus University of Thrace (GR), National Council of Scientific Research -CSIC (ES), Knowledge and Innovation SRL (IT), EUSEA (AT), University of Bremen (DE), University of Gdansk (PL), AgrobioInstitute (BG), University of Primorska (SI) and Aarhus University (DK).
  • Runs from January 2020 until December 2022
  • Funded by the European Commission with 1,5 MM €

Project Coordinator: Vittorio Colizzi,
Project Management: Daniele Mezzana,; Carla Montesano,; Gian Luca Porinelli,
For communications: Andrea Troncoso,

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